The first personal computers are not even a hundred years old. However, in the present age, they form the backbone of much of society. The information technology industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Take a classroom, and it is almost guaranteed that there is at least one computer.
These computers are not smart. They are not talented. Computers are pieces of dumb hardware. They only work when instructions are given to them by humans. These instructions, also known as computer programs or software, enable computers to work. From startup to applications, there are always programs behind it. There are university degrees dedicated to programming. At many universities, computer science is a highly competitive program. Without programmers, there are no computers.
Programming is incredibly vital in the modern age. Coding is everywhere, from applications that determine how much tax is paid to databases that store medical information for hospitals. Knowing how to program is such a valuable and crucial skill. These skills should not be gained later in life. Programming must be taught from a young age. Even elementary students are not too young for this.
How Programming Works
Take a calculator commonly used in math class. Suppose a student needed to find the product of 16 and 10. First, the student would type out their first number, which is 16. Then, the computer will read the operation, which is multiplication. Next, the computer reads the second number, which is 10. When the kid enters the equal sign, the computer knows that the student has finished inputting their values. The computer reads the numbers and the operation and determines what operation it needs to do. Then, the computer operates and gives the user an output. In this case, the output would be 160.
A computer can only understand a certain language: machine language. Machine language is based on binary numbers. Binary numbers only have two possible numbers: one or zero. One typically refers to on and two typically refers to off. Every computer has a central processing unit (CPU). The CPU enables the computer to read and follow basic instructions. To perform more complicated tasks, the computer breaks them into more simple tasks.
However, inputting everything as 0’s and 1’s is extremely complicated for humans. It is nearly impossible to learn and understand. This is why humans use higher-level programming languages to write code. There are many languages humans use to program. These include Python, JavaScript, C#, C++ etc. These languages have their syntax, which is their grammar. Humans use these languages since they can be more easily understood. They are called higher-level languages. The computer then takes the programs and converts them to machine language, which a computer understands.
When programs are written, instructions are written from start to finish. These instructions cover a lot of aspects, such as calculations, conditional statements, loops, arrays, data storage, etc. The job of a programmer is to design these instructions and arrange them in the right way. There is an extensive process involved in building code. Since computers need clear instructions, even one wrong line can screw up the entire process. Every single minor detail must be looked after.
Sometimes, these programs can be straightforward. In the example above, a Python program determines the sum of two numbers. It is simple for a human to understand. However, programmers have to perform more complicated tasks. For example, the operating system which your computer runs on is based on code. Google, one of the largest tech companies, has over two billion lines of code. All two billion lines are the backbone of everything Google does. There are two billion instructions for Google. Each instruction requires careful thought and analysis.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, said “Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” Programming provides so many critical thinking skills. Coding is like solving a puzzle. There is a final picture and numerous puzzle pieces. However, the pieces are not arranged together. The coder has to put them together to create the final picture. When a person programs, they are faced with numerous issues. A programmer has to figure out what code they must use. Then, after putting it together, they must debug and find issues. As people program, they are forced to think about issues logically. They need to determine their approaches logically and consider various factors. When trying to make a program more effective, numerous steps are involved.
This logical and critical thinking are soft skills. There are numerous issues in the world that people will experience. Knowing how to approach an issue and resolve a problem is the key to success. Even in academics, students are forced to think critically to answer questions. In math, a student has to determine how to approach a word problem. In science, a student has to know why something occurs. If students are exposed to programming, they will build up their thinking abilities. This puts them on the path to success, both in school and outside of school.
Consider a common question in financial literacy. For a $3.50 book, a person pays $5.00 and the student is asked to calculate how to give the change. Programming teaches the student to break the issue down. First, the student will determine the amount of change required. This is just a simple subtraction operation, and the student would determine the change amount is $1.50. Then, a student must consider each coin and bill to determine how to give the change. A student will go through each coin and bill to give the best possible change. In this case, one would first determine that a loonie (canadian dollar) is the largest coin to fit. Then, going to the next biggest coin, two quarters completes the change. This logic is loops. A student is going over each coin and trying to fit it in. Programming teaches this logic and process of thinking. This is just one of many methods coding helps in mathematics, and academics in general.
In 2019, researchers from the University of Padova in Italy conducted a study on kids between five and seven years of age. They exposed a group of students to programming and taught them various programming skills. They determined that students exposed to coding had a significant increase in cognitive thinking and planning abilities. Teaching students at a young age how to program will make them think critically and solve problems in a better way.
Employment Opportunities
In addition, the industry offered by programming is huge. A core purpose of the education system is to prepare students for life after their education. Schools build up the skills and experience necessary to succeed in the workforce. Currently, over two hundred thousand programmers are employed in Canada. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of other jobs related to programming. These jobs are in high demand and offer exceptional pay. Computer programmers and computer software engineers have good job prospects. If students are being taught about human bodies and money, why should they not learn about programming? Even if a student does not aim to be a programmer, they gain numerous soft skills. These soft skills make them more employable in every other industry.
In 2019, there were 57,600 computer software engineers employed. In 2028, the Government of Canada estimates that there will be 85,100 in the same profession. Numerically speaking, that is nearly a 50% rise in the same position. Jobs in the computer field are in high demand. As the industry grows larger, more people will be needed to work. At a young age, it is important to expose people to the workforce so that they have a better understanding of their world. Students are more likely to find the right pathway for them.
Not everyone indeed wants to work for a tech company. Not everybody wants to work on a computer. However, programming is not just a job. It is a crucial skill in today’s world. Young kids can gain so much from programming. They will become a logical person, and find methods to solve their problems. They will think more critically and creatively. Why wait until high school to give these benefits to kids?
Arfé, Barbara et al. “Coding in Primary Grades Boosts Children's Executive Functions.” Frontiers in psychology vol. 10 2713. 11 Dec. 2019, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02713
CACMS Institute. “Programming for Problem Solvers: How Coding Improves Critical Thinking Skills.” Medium, 8 January 2024 es-critical-thinking-skills-2b429c7824d7. Accessed 29 March 2024.
Cote, Joe. “What is Computer Programming?” SNHU, 6 September 2022, Accessed 29 March 2024.
Jobs, Steve. “What is Coding– 5 Key Advantages of Learning To Code.” Berkeley Boot Camps, Accessed 29 March 2024.
Government of Canada. “Computer programmers and interactive media developers - Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS) -” Employment and Social Development Canada, Accessed 29 March 2024.
“Lesson: How do programming languages make computers work?” STEMRobotics, Accessed 29 March 2024.
Jain, Sandeep. “What is Machine Language?” GeeksforGeeks, 18 December 2023, Accessed 29 March 2024 9. Metz, Cade. “Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—And It's All in One Place.” WIRED, 16 September 2015, Accessed 29 March 2024.